(Altimet)Salam si anggun si gadis ayu
Dari kotaraya ke pedalaman kamu
Dari Likas ke Pekan Rabu
Di carta aku kau nombor satu
Aku berikrar aku berjanji
Teman-teman aku menjadi saksi
Jauh di mata dekat di hati
Jadi izinkan aku pergi berlari
Keliling dunia dua tiga kali
Ku tahu hanya satu perkara pasti
Selagi bumi di atas paksi
Bila tiba masa aku kembali
(Ila Damiaa)
Bawaku ke mana saja kau suka
Timur selatan barat atau utara
Dampingi aku selalu
You'll be my Malaysian boy
Malaysian boy
(Point Blanc)
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(Point Blanc - Translation)
If you ask Point Blanc where is home
It's definitely this land called Malaysia
This is the best place in the whole world
There ain't no problems
Just open up your eyes
There are plenty of beautiful women around
Enjoy all kinds of food and drink everyday
There's no worries in our lives
We know how to work hard but we also know how to enjoy life
Wherever I go it will never change my view because in my mind you are the best
Malaysia is oh my homeland and is most precious to me
(Rabbit Mac)
Vanakam everybody hi hello
Oru suthe pollam jom let's go
Okay yen pearu Malaysian boy
Yethe senjalum kita sempoi
Tambi tangachi
Mumy dady akka tata patti vanthachii
Dari kampung ke kota machi
Sabah sampai PNG
Sigappu nellam velle manje
Nerathil vaanavil yen nattil theriye
Vadakku kilaku east and west
Nambe naadu malaysia
We the best
(Rabbit Mac - Translation)
Greetings everybody hi hello
Come let's go for a tour around the nation
Okay my name is Malaysian boy
Whatever we do we are always good
Brothers sisters
Mommy daddy sisters grandpa and grandma have come
From the village to the city
From sabah till penang
Red blue white and yellow
You can see rainbows of these colors in my country
North south east and west
Our country Malaysia
We are the best
Kredit lirik kepada Altimet :)